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Hanrun international logistics group in Kunming Dali Lijiang tourism team go go go!

Hanrun international logistics company Kunming Dali Lijiang swim team, after several hours of our aircraft team arrived at known as "Spring City" reputation of the Kunming plateau city. After a brief rest we to downtown Kunming "three workshops of the article word".

Character three square is the scenic spots of Yunnan Province, is refers to the Jinbi Road Middle Kunming City, Kinmen and Matsu, Bi chicken two workshop and three city street love square, named for its branch follows, West and North three square "pin", is a symbol of the ancient Dian culture unique, known as the ancient Kunming building a must, as a city - Kunming pride and symbol.

"Faithful love workshop" meaning "loyalty to love", to commemorate the element to the eleven to sixteen years (AD 1274-1279 years) the first of Yunnan Province Zhang Zhan Qu Chi - political game in 6 years Si Ding building water conservancy projects, the development of production, material abundance of rich achievements.

Jinma Biji, according to "Han Yi Yin" as the "golden horse like shape, Bi chicken", meaning "horse Zhongxiu, Biji Chengxiang" praise. "Golden God" legend began in the Han Emperor Yunnan chapter, "a Bi chicken, golden horse, suddenly see the light, the people, have mountain" records (see "Han geography"). They are a pair of Ji like gods, the so-called "golden spirit" and "misty Bi chicken".

Unique Jinma Biji Fang, is a particular time, there will be "wonders of layered Jiao Hui". It is said that, due to the relationship between the earth, the moon, the sun angle, this phenomenon, 60 years to appear once. This spectacle of the design, reflecting the ancient people of all ethnic groups in Yunnan to mathematics, astronomy and architecture on the basis of the combination of high intelligence together. The shore of the beautiful Dianchi, Kinmen and Matsu, Pentium ahead of the symbol of auspicious Bi chicken will be in the hearts of Yunnan people in a new light scattering.

The first day of the trip temporarily paragraphs, look forward to second days of travel - Dali.

After a night of rest, our team to march in Dali.

Our team arrived in Dali, we linger in the ancient city of Dali, then feel the local conditions and customs of ancient Nanzhao.

 Dali city east of the rippling blue waves of the Erhai, West Cangshan, perennial green, forming a "one water around Cangshan, the ancient city of Cangshan held" city pattern. From 779 years of Nanzhao Wang Mu different Xunqian are Yang Ju baa City, has 1200 construction history. City Square, open four, built on the tower, under the Acropolis, more three North and South Stream as a natural barrier, the outer wall is brick; the city from the south across the five street to the north, from west to east across the eight streets, the whole city was checkerboarded layout.

Our team watched the wonderful performances here, and know the local local customs and practices around human Shengjing, this day to visit our harvest, happy laughter echoed in our ranks.

Today our team here in the camp, the third day we Hanrun international tourism team will have long enjoyed a good reputation of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain into the.

